Just don't go there .......

Signs or warnings are there for a reason. People don’t serendiptously put up signs to annoy people. They are usually there for a reason. Some one or some group have put up a sign as a warning to others because someone has been hurt badly or died or there has been a near miss. Alternatively, given the calculations and the frailness or ignorance or bravado of humans, something awful is likely to occur.

In life generally, it is important to know who and what is dangerous. In life it’s essential to know where danger lies. There is no virtue in being life innocent or being naive. The obligation and duty to yourself and others is to keep away and steer clear of strife.

In the mental health realm don’t revisit old toxic or dangerous habits or believe you're capable of dealing with dangerous people by yourself. To use an analogy, Ive spent a lot of time on mine sites. Machinery and some geographic locations appear safe from a distance , however close up they are very dangerous. . Don’t revisit those places or people where experience says it’s painful or brutally upsetting or a waste of time. Certainly keep away from people that your life experience suggests are dangerous or angry or create havoc, .